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My lab:
PLoS ONE: A revolution for scientific publishing?
Very soon, the Public Library of Science (PLoS) will launch PLoS ONE, which may be considered a revolution in science publishing. Until recently, scientific primary literature ("papers") were published in one of approx. ...[more]
PLoS   PLoS One   science publishing   
Posted on Friday 17 November 2006 - 14:27:18

Coturnix @ PLoS One
As regular ScienceBlog readers know, Coturnix is now employed by PLoS One as their Online Community Manager. He is already a prominent blogger on ScienceBlogs and now his reputation got a further boost by a thread over a...[more]
PLoS   PLoS One   ScienceBlogs   Coturnix   science politics   science publishing   open access   
Posted on Sunday 08 July 2007 - 13:24:22

An oligarchy of Mega-Journals

An oligarchy of Mega-Journals is what PLoS One publisher Peter Binfield envisages for the not-too-distant future of scholarly publishing. In his recent presentation at the Society for Scholarly Publishing meeting, embed...[more]
PLoS   publishing   journals   mega-journals   Binfield   
Posted on Wednesday 08 June 2011 - 13:38:27

WissKomm Interview online
The German organization for the communication of science, WissKomm, has now published the interview they conducted here in my lab a few weeks ago. It's about PLoS One and SciVee and how videos accompanying open access pa...[more]
PLoS   WissKomm   SciVee   open access   interview   media   
Posted on Friday 21 December 2007 - 13:39:47

WissKomm interview embedded
I totally forgot to embed the Wisskomm interview the other day. Here it is:

PLoS   WissKomm   SciVee   open access   interview   media   
Posted on Monday 31 December 2007 - 16:06:14

Nature: PLoS a threatening success
Coturnix alerts me to the fact that I'm late for a party yet again (as usual). Apparently, Nature is feeling the PLoS competition breathing down its neck. This can be seen in a Nature news article entitled "...[more]
PLoS   PLoS One   Nature   science publishing   open access   science politics   peer-review   butler   
Posted on Friday 04 July 2008 - 14:12:32

PLoS ONE academic editor
Acting on my support of the open-access movement, I have today accepted an invitation to join the editorial board of PLoS ONE, the new publishing platform for all scientific primary literature. PLoS plans to maintain an ...[more]
PLoS   PLoS One   academic editor   science publishing   
Posted on Monday 20 November 2006 - 16:27:47

PLoS One a success
I just learned from the PLoS One mailing list that the new open-access platform PLoS One seems to be a huge success with researchers. Over 300 published articles and over 1000 submitted manuscripts only in the first 5 mo...[more]
PLoS   PLoS One   open access   science publishing   
Posted on Thursday 03 May 2007 - 14:23:12

PLoS ONE is online
Finally, yesterday the long-awaited new online science publishing experiment PLoS ONE has gone online. Head on over there, check the new articles out, register and participate! This revolutionary online project will stan...[more]
PLoS One   PLoS   science publishing   
Posted on Thursday 21 December 2006 - 10:29:08

Who should be in charge of how scientists organize their workflow?
This post is distilled from several comments on "PLoS’ Squandered Opportunity" over at Scholarly Kitchen (the blog of the Society for Scholarly Publishing). It builds on my previous post where I retell the story of how ...[more]
open access   PLoS   anderson   scholarly publishing   filter   web 2.0   
Posted on Thursday 29 April 2010 - 16:41:03

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