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Thomson Scientific fights back
In the wake of the hard-hitting article by Rockefeller University Press editors in the Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), in which they describe how Thomson's ubiquitous impact factor twice flunked a scientific test, ...[more]
Thomson Scientific   impact factor   citation statistics   citation metrics   ScImage   journal ranking   butler   
Posted on Thursday 03 January 2008 - 18:34:56

Nature: PLoS a threatening success
Coturnix alerts me to the fact that I'm late for a party yet again (as usual). Apparently, Nature is feeling the PLoS competition breathing down its neck. This can be seen in a Nature news article entitled "...[more]
PLoS   PLoS One   Nature   science publishing   open access   science politics   peer-review   butler   
Posted on Friday 04 July 2008 - 14:12:32

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