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citation statistics
PLoS One largest journal in the world 2010?
Managing Editor of PLoS One, Peter Binfield, recently published a paper entitled "PLoS One: background, future development, and article-level metrics"in which he outlines some of the recent upgrades at PLoS One and futur...[more]
PLoS One   citation statistics   science publishing   PLoS   binfield   
Posted on Friday 26 June 2009 - 15:13:42

Why is the Impact Factor still around?
Much has been written about the Impact Factor, a bibliographic measure originally developed in the 1960s by Eugene Garfield as a tool to rank scholarly journals according to their mean citation rate and now published eve...[more]
impact factor   citation statistics   citation metrics   journal ranking   bibliometrics   
Posted on Friday 20 February 2009 - 15:38:36

Citation statistics
I just came across a post from Coturnix in which he refers to a nice little piece of software which uses Google Scholar to calculate some citation statistics. I went and downloaded Publish or Perish right away and tried ...[more]
citations   science publishing   citation statistics   citation metrics   
Posted on Thursday 04 October 2007 - 17:21:13

Thomson Scientific (ISI) flunks scientific test. Twice.
I just came across an article in the Journal of Cell Biology (of all places) which could be the first solid nail in the coffin of that dreaded, vile impact factor.

What is the impact factor?

For the uninitiated, the impac...[more]
Thomson Scientific   impact factor   citation statistics   citation metrics   journal ranking   
Posted on Thursday 20 December 2007 - 10:21:58

In which potatoes in France are like high-ranking journals in science
ResearchBlogging.orgThere are about 1.5 million scholarly articles published in all the sciences, spread over about 24,000 journals. Even if there were a single database or entry-point providing access to all the literature, nobody would be...[more]
journal rank   bibliometrics   citation statistics   impact factor   
Posted on Monday 26 April 2010 - 09:35:53

Thomson Scientific fights back
In the wake of the hard-hitting article by Rockefeller University Press editors in the Journal of Cell Biology (JCB), in which they describe how Thomson's ubiquitous impact factor twice flunked a scientific test, ...[more]
Thomson Scientific   impact factor   citation statistics   citation metrics   ScImage   journal ranking   butler   
Posted on Thursday 03 January 2008 - 18:34:56

Yet more trouble for the impact factor
After January's double whammie for Thomson Scientific and its coveted impact factor (here and here), my favorite journal, PLoS ONE has now published a paper which spells even more trouble for the company. The authors co...[more]
Thomson Scientific   impact factor   citation statistics   citation metrics   journal ranking   
Posted on Wednesday 05 March 2008 - 20:38:33

BIF: bibliographic impact factor or brain irritability factor?
The journal "Epidemiology" has a series of great articles on why we need to get rid of Thomson Scientific's Impact Factor. I've reported about this ridiculously influencial number before and how irrational, stupid and de...[more]
Thomson Scientific   impact factor   citation statistics   citation metrics   journal ranking   
Posted on Friday 09 May 2008 - 10:30:34

Why Thomson's Bibliographic Impact Factor (BIF) is dead
Despite the recent downpour of evidence against the use of Thomson's BIF, I still get comments from people such as "However, IFs are still the most used way of evaluating a researcher's career and value. Even if we find ...[more]
Thomson Scientific   impact factor   citation statistics   bibliometrics   citation metrics   journal ranking   
Posted on Wednesday 23 July 2008 - 15:08:54

Australian research council phases out impact factors
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia's premiere funding agency for medical research and is no longer using Thomson Reuter's Impact Factors to evaluate individual grant applications or res...[more]
Thomson Reuters   impact factor   bibliometrics   citation statistics   citation metrics   journal ranking   
Posted on Tuesday 06 April 2010 - 12:48:11

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