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science publishing
Yale researcher in Science: "High-Profile Journals Not Worth the Trouble"
Now this letter to the journal Science by Yale cell biologist Joel Rosenbaum (what a great website!) deserves to be quoted in full:
Raff, Johnson, and Walter ("Painful publishing," Letters, 4 July, p. 36) make some excell...[more]
science publishing   impact factor   science   
Posted on Friday 22 August 2008 - 08:54:39

Why do we still publish scientific papers?
This question is directed towards people who think that ranking ~24,000 scientific journals according to a negotiable, irreproducible and mathematically unsound measure is a practical way of sorting the wheat from the ch...[more]
science publishing   impact factor   journal rank   
Posted on Monday 10 August 2009 - 15:37:35

Journals a threat to science?
"Universities get the publication process they deserve. They have the financial power to change it to suit the twenty-first century – they haven’t done so. They must.", says Peter Murray-Rust in his blog post on the Time...[more]
science publishing   impact factor   murray-rust   journals   
Posted on Thursday 13 August 2009 - 17:03:43

As if we needed more evidence
As if we needed yet more evidence that the way we communicate science is FUBAR! Read this and weep:
How to Publish a Scientific Comment in 123 Easy Steps

I was alerted to this article by Bora Zivkovic, who got it from ...[more]
science publishing   editors   
Posted on Wednesday 19 August 2009 - 09:47:01

Clay Shirky: It's Not Information Overload. It's Filter Failure.
Via Coturnix (see also FF):

I'm resharing this as it pertains to the discussion of scientific publishing reform. Clay hits the nail on the head in that filtering at the source is now obsolete. In scientific terms, traditi...[more]
science publishing   journals   information filtering   
Posted on Monday 20 October 2008 - 09:49:25

Do you know how to manufacture a biface?
Just in case you don't know, a biface is a stone age tool. If you don't know how to make one, maybe you know how to forge damascus steel? No? How about using a slide ruler? A sextant? How about steering a horse carriage ...[more]
science publishing   journals   telegraph   biface   
Posted on Wednesday 02 September 2009 - 14:49:10

At the Frontiers of post-publication assessment
I just joined the latest experiment in post-publication scientific publication assessment: I'm now review editor at Frontiers in Neuroscience. I'm embarassed to admit that while I had heard of the title before, I was una...[more]
science publishing   scientific reputation   reputation systems   post-publication review   post-publication assessment   
Posted on Tuesday 19 August 2008 - 15:58:26

How writing a scientific paper is like a bullfight
I'm still at the luxury resort "Il Ciocco" for the Gordon Conference on Genes and Behavior. Over my poster and after lunch, David Glanzman of UCLA provided me with a piece both of advice and of mentorship that I thought ...[more]
science publishing   scientific paper   paper   bullfight   
Posted on Thursday 28 February 2008 - 16:34:00

A special issue on bibliometrics
Now here's a must-read for anyone interested in entering a science career. The journal "Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics" has just published a special issue called "The use and...[more]
bibliometrics   science publishing   citations   citation metrics   impact factor   citation statistics   
Posted on Tuesday 03 June 2008 - 17:29:09

Why are open access supporters defending the impact factor?
Maybe I'm naive. Maybe I'm just too thick to get it. But over the last few days I've been on the receiving end of quite some flak for my criticisms of Thomson Scientific's impact factor (IF) by, of all poeple, open acces...[more]
citation metrics   science publishing   impact factor   PLoS One   
Posted on Wednesday 03 September 2008 - 21:27:21

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