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My lab:
reputation systems
Building a scientific online reputation
The other day, I was hypothesizing how one could provide incentives for scientists to comment on papers and blogs and to blog themselves. My solution was that there needed to exist a service which would allow researchers...[more]
reputation systems   comments   scientific communication   science publishing   open science   
Posted on Wednesday 23 July 2008 - 13:46:09

Daniela Pscheida: KnowledgeMo(nu)ments
Next up at "The public, the media and politics: intellectual debate and science in the age of digital communication" was a talk about collaborative works of text. The start was no surprise: Wikipedia. Daniela Pscheider u...[more]
wikipedia   reputation systems   attribution   collaborative authorship   digital opus   MOEP   
Posted on Tuesday 15 February 2011 - 10:22:44

At the Frontiers of post-publication assessment
I just joined the latest experiment in post-publication scientific publication assessment: I'm now review editor at Frontiers in Neuroscience. I'm embarassed to admit that while I had heard of the title before, I was una...[more]
science publishing   scientific reputation   reputation systems   post-publication review   post-publication assessment   
Posted on Tuesday 19 August 2008 - 15:58:26

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