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journal rank
Neither gold, nor green, nor hybrid are sustainable open access models |
If you trust empirical evidence, science is currently heading for a cliff that makes dropping off the fiscal cliff look like a small step in comparison. As we detail in our review article currently under revision, retrac...[more] |
journal rank open access publishing |
Posted on Friday 28 December 2012 - 14:19:07 |
In which potatoes in France are like high-ranking journals in science |
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journal rank bibliometrics citation statistics impact factor |
Posted on Monday 26 April 2010 - 09:35:53 |
BMC Neuroscience, what were you thinking? |
I'm an ardent supporter of and campaigner for the Open Access movement. I try to support any member of this movement as much as I can. However, I just finished a review of a manuscript for BMC Neuroscience and I must say...[more] |
journal rank journal hierarchy publishing |
Posted on Thursday 03 February 2011 - 17:30:39 |
Journal rank alive and well at DFG site visit |
I spent the past two days in Cologne on a site visit for a a large collaborative research center. I sat on a panel of 10 reviewers who reviewed a total of 18 grant proposals. The DFG asked us to not only judge the merit ...[more] |
journal rank impact factor publishing GlamMagz |
Posted on Wednesday 24 April 2013 - 22:16:35 |
Deep impact: Our manuscript on the consequences of journal rank |
For the better part of this year, Marcus Munafò and I have been working on a manuscript reviewing the empirical literature on journal rank and its impact on science. In early June we received a rejection letter together ...[more] |
journal rank manuscript impact factor publishing |
Posted on Tuesday 14 August 2012 - 14:11:57 |
What journal rank has to do with music, movies and restaurants |
For the uninitiated, much of what follows must seem like a bizarre debate: many scientists really want to know if a scientific article is worth reading before they decide to read it. This in itself is not bizarre, yet, a...[more] |
journal rank impact factor |
Posted on Thursday 15 November 2012 - 13:22:42 |
Science without journals: More evidence that journal rank is a poor predictor of citations |
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publishing journal rank citations bibliometrics journals |
Posted on Wednesday 14 December 2011 - 11:37:48 |
Don't imitate physicists: how prestige ought to be separated from communication |
prestige journal rank publishing |
Posted on Friday 16 November 2012 - 16:20:08 |
Why do we still publish scientific papers? |
This question is directed towards people who think that ranking ~24,000 scientific journals according to a negotiable, irreproducible and mathematically unsound measure is a practical way of sorting the wheat from the ch...[more] |
science publishing impact factor journal rank |
Posted on Monday 10 August 2009 - 15:37:35 |
Open Access taking off, part I: illusions |
Open Access is really taking off these days, at least if measured by the number of people chiming in with opinions, visions and concerns. Today saw not only the ...[more] |
open access publishing journal rank |
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 10:19:03 |
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