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My lab:
journal rank
Neither gold, nor green, nor hybrid are sustainable open access models

If you trust empirical evidence, science is currently heading for a cliff that makes dropping off the fiscal cliff look like a small step in comparison. As we detail in our review article currently under revision, retrac...[more]
journal rank   open access   publishing   
Posted on Friday 28 December 2012 - 14:19:07

In which potatoes in France are like high-ranking journals in science
ResearchBlogging.orgThere are about 1.5 million scholarly articles published in all the sciences, spread over about 24,000 journals. Even if there were a single database or entry-point providing access to all the literature, nobody would be...[more]
journal rank   bibliometrics   citation statistics   impact factor   
Posted on Monday 26 April 2010 - 09:35:53

BMC Neuroscience, what were you thinking?
I'm an ardent supporter of and campaigner for the Open Access movement. I try to support any member of this movement as much as I can. However, I just finished a review of a manuscript for BMC Neuroscience and I must say...[more]
journal rank   journal hierarchy   publishing   
Posted on Thursday 03 February 2011 - 17:30:39

Journal rank alive and well at DFG site visit

I spent the past two days in Cologne on a site visit for a a large collaborative research center. I sat on a panel of 10 reviewers who reviewed a total of 18 grant proposals. The DFG asked us to not only judge the merit ...[more]
journal rank   impact factor   publishing   GlamMagz   
Posted on Wednesday 24 April 2013 - 22:16:35

Deep impact: Our manuscript on the consequences of journal rank

For the better part of this year, Marcus Munafò and I have been working on a manuscript reviewing the empirical literature on journal rank and its impact on science. In early June we received a rejection letter together ...[more]
journal rank   manuscript   impact factor   publishing   
Posted on Tuesday 14 August 2012 - 14:11:57

What journal rank has to do with music, movies and restaurants
For the uninitiated, much of what follows must seem like a bizarre debate: many scientists really want to know if a scientific article is worth reading before they decide to read it. This in itself is not bizarre, yet, a...[more]
journal rank   impact factor   
Posted on Thursday 15 November 2012 - 13:22:42

Science without journals: More evidence that journal rank is a poor predictor of citations

ResearchBlogging.orgIn response to my last post, Dwight Kravitz from the NIH alerted me to his paper on a similar topic: Toward a new model of scientific publishing: discussion and a proposal. His paper contains some very interesting data,...[more]
publishing   journal rank   citations   bibliometrics   journals   
Posted on Wednesday 14 December 2011 - 11:37:48

Don't imitate physicists: how prestige ought to be separated from communication

If you happen to come across this obscure blog, you're likely to already know that physicists communicate their scientific findings via a non-peer-reviewed pre-print database called arXiv. However, they still 'publish' t...[more]
prestige   journal rank   publishing   
Posted on Friday 16 November 2012 - 16:20:08

Why do we still publish scientific papers?
This question is directed towards people who think that ranking ~24,000 scientific journals according to a negotiable, irreproducible and mathematically unsound measure is a practical way of sorting the wheat from the ch...[more]
science publishing   impact factor   journal rank   
Posted on Monday 10 August 2009 - 15:37:35

Open Access taking off, part I: illusions

Open Access is really taking off these days, at least if measured by the number of people chiming in with opinions, visions and concerns. Today saw not only the ...[more]
open access   publishing   journal rank   
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 10:19:03

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