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My lab:
SciVee videos can be embedded
This is probably old news but I recently went to SciVee and noticed that the videos there can now be embedded in any webpage. So of course I'm taking the opportunity to embed our own video here:

SciVee   video   free will   spontaneous behavior   flight   Drosophila   science   
Posted on Tuesday 08 January 2008 - 05:54:34

Video at SciVee
I've just uploaded a video to a new site which is being developed with support from The Public Library of Science (PLoS), The National Science Foundation (NSF) and The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC): SciVee.
The vi...[more]
video   SciVee   neuroscience   brain   drosophila   spontaneous behavior   
Posted on Wednesday 22 August 2007 - 16:12:13

Video coming along nicely
The SciVee video presentation (pubcast) we're currently working on is definitely going to be a lot better than our previous one. It's going to contain some animated CGI sequences of the experimental setup and a few other...[more]
video   pubcast   SciVee   drosophila   
Posted on Monday 10 September 2007 - 17:34:15

WissKomm Interview online
The German organization for the communication of science, WissKomm, has now published the interview they conducted here in my lab a few weeks ago. It's about PLoS One and SciVee and how videos accompanying open access pa...[more]
PLoS   WissKomm   SciVee   open access   interview   media   
Posted on Friday 21 December 2007 - 13:39:47

WissKomm interview embedded
I totally forgot to embed the Wisskomm interview the other day. Here it is:

PLoS   WissKomm   SciVee   open access   interview   media   
Posted on Monday 31 December 2007 - 16:06:14

Invitation by JoVE!
Yesterday, I got an invitation to produce two papers for JoVE (Jornal of Visualized Experiments). This is very exciting, because of my previous very positive experience with science videos when I published in SciVee. Wha...[more]
JoVE   video   SciVee   science publishing   
Posted on Friday 14 March 2008 - 16:38:52

My poster for Neurofly 2008
This year, the Neurofly meeting will be in my home town of Würzburg in Germany. I'm really looking forward to going home for a few days, it's been so long since last time. As usual, I've already uploaded my poster in adv...[more]
Neurofly   poster   SciVee   Würzburg   
Posted on Friday 05 September 2008 - 19:05:55

Invited to a conference on videos in science communication
Just before I left for Brazil, I was invited to speak at the "BioVid" conference, organized by the IWF Wissen und Medien gGmbH, Göttingen, Germany. The IWF is funded by the German research ministry and sponsors this ...[more]
Göttingen   BioVid   video   science communication   PLoS One   SciVee   
Posted on Tuesday 29 January 2008 - 09:32:27

Presentation about PLoS One and SciVee tomorrow
As already mentioned before, I'll be heading to Göttingen tomorrow. Just before noon (see program, in PDF) I'll be talking about PLoS One and SciVee and how open access and scientific videos further the public understand...[more]
Göttingen   BioVid   video   science communication   PLoS One   SciVee   
Posted on Wednesday 13 February 2008 - 19:33:24

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