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My lab:
scholarly publishing
A unified scholarly database is not a monopoly
It has been the main argument against unifying scholarly literature and data in a single database that monoplies are always bad. I won't go into any political arguments here. Markets have their place, but they also have ...[more]
scholarly publishing   science publishing   monopoly   
Posted on Wednesday 24 June 2009 - 22:10:44

What could we afford if corporate publishers wouldn't make any profit?
Richard Grant at Naturally Selected recently posted his take on some recent discussions around scholarly publishing. In a comment, he mentioned that non-profit organizations may not be suited for scholarly publishing. I ...[more]
scholarly publishing   publishing   corporations   greed   money   profit   libraries   
Posted on Wednesday 09 March 2011 - 13:48:09

My LSE guest post on scholarly publishing

The London School of Economics and Political Science runs a blog called "The Impact of Social Sciences". They have invited me to write a guest post, to which I agreed and the post went live today. I'm reposting it here, ...[more]
scholarly publishing   impact factor   alert service   
Posted on Wednesday 09 November 2011 - 13:04:13

STM publishers answer OSTP open access roundtable principles
On January 12, 2010, an expert panel of librarians, library scientists, publishers, and university academic leaders from the Scholarly Publishing Roundtable issued a press release, calling on on federal agencies that fun...[more]
open access   STM   scholarly publishing   
Posted on Tuesday 19 January 2010 - 17:36:12

On 'adequate' peer-review
I'm starting to dig a little deeper into the recent 42 page tome of Richard Poynder on scholarly publishing today. Not sure how much more time I can spend on this, though. This post will be mainly about the first half ...[more]
peer-review   publishing   scholarly publishing   PLoS   quality   
Posted on Wednesday 09 March 2011 - 21:47:31

Who should be in charge of how scientists organize their workflow?
This post is distilled from several comments on "PLoS’ Squandered Opportunity" over at Scholarly Kitchen (the blog of the Society for Scholarly Publishing). It builds on my previous post where I retell the story of how ...[more]
open access   PLoS   anderson   scholarly publishing   filter   web 2.0   
Posted on Thursday 29 April 2010 - 16:41:03

Finally, some movement on the ORCID front!
WTF is ORCID, you ask? It's something scientific publishing should have had 20 years ago. It's meant to become a system that disambiguates authorship and attributions. For instance, go to PubMed and search for author '...[more]
ORCID   disambiguation   publishing   scholarly publishing   
Posted on Wednesday 08 September 2010 - 01:34:41

Academic publishing = economic parasitism

You just have to read the latest piece on scholarly publishing in The Guardian! The title is: "Academic publishers make Murdoch look like a socialist". Here some of the best tidbits:...[more]
Guardian   publishing   economics   scholarly publishing   
Posted on Tuesday 30 August 2011 - 14:05:03

Let's join UC and boycott publishers who profit from public research and public funds
As I just learned (and now many others chime in), the University of California, cash-strapped due to the budget crisis of the once golden state, is considering a boycott of Nature Publishing Group:
On Tuesday, a letter we...[more]
open access   nature   publishers   boycott   scholarly publishing   
Posted on Wednesday 09 June 2010 - 22:42:27

Microsoft, Google not interested in developing alert service for scientists

I've described before the awful situation most scientists face when they try to follow the scientific literature. For me, it involves more than 10h of searching per week with at most 1-3h left to actually read what I fou...[more]
google   microsoft   publishing   alert service   literature   scholarly publishing   
Posted on Tuesday 08 November 2011 - 11:15:47

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