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My lab:
Corporate publishers keep insulting scholars

In the wake of the burgeoning Elsevier boycott, Richard Poynder asked the corporate publisher to "get out more", meaning they should start talking to the people they call their 'partners', namely the scholars who provide...[more]
publishers   open access   
Posted on Sunday 19 February 2012 - 22:26:42

How scholarly publishers could save themselves (but likely won't)

Scholarly publishers feel the heat, frantically struggling to preserve their threatened business model. More and more it seems they may be going the way of the music industry into irrelevance, when it would be so easy to...[more]
publishing   publishers   standards   open access   subscriptions   
Posted on Wednesday 06 March 2013 - 10:00:35

Libraries and their faculty should join forces against corporate publishers

I've recently argued that libraries are in a perfect position to take over from current commercial publishers: they're already publishing our theses, ancient texts, data and many of our papers in institutional repositori...[more]
libraries   publishers   scholarly communication   
Posted on Tuesday 28 February 2012 - 13:10:34

The Open Access strategy wars

In the UK, the recent "Finch Report" on Open Access has generated a shower of online commentary both from the mainstream media and from activists. I've only linked to a few recent one's to outline the current discussion ...[more]
Open Access   publishers   publishing   
Posted on Thursday 21 June 2012 - 11:32:45

Libraries have all it takes to replace publishers

I've written a few times already about why I think (university) libraries are in a perfect position to take over scholarly communication from corporate publishers. Among other things I've mentioned that they already publ...[more]
open access   publishers   publishing   scholarly communication   
Posted on Friday 22 June 2012 - 14:52:31

Let's join UC and boycott publishers who profit from public research and public funds
As I just learned (and now many others chime in), the University of California, cash-strapped due to the budget crisis of the once golden state, is considering a boycott of Nature Publishing Group:
On Tuesday, a letter we...[more]
open access   nature   publishers   boycott   scholarly publishing   
Posted on Wednesday 09 June 2010 - 22:42:27

The "Research Works Act" is a distraction that works

You only have to search for "Research Works Act" or look for the #rwa hashtag on Twitter or follow the increasing number of people signing on to the petitions against RWA. You will see that this piece of intended US legi...[more]
rwa   publishing   publishers   libraries   distraction   profits   
Posted on Friday 27 January 2012 - 18:09:56

There are cons to open acces? Really?

UPDATE: The piece in Nature is not, as I initially thought, a new article. It was already published in 2004, but for reasons only "the no. 1 weekly science journal" knows, it always has today's date attached to it and ...[more]
open access   publishing   publishers   journals   
Posted on Friday 24 August 2012 - 23:03:15

My library is already an open access publisher! Is yours?

Given the current three infrastructure crises in science, the readily available funds for mitigating these crises currently draining into the pockets of corporate CEOs and their shareholders, and ...[more]
publishing   scholcomm   libraries   publishers   infrastructure   
Posted on Wednesday 09 January 2013 - 15:06:15

Elsevier changes strategy and buys Mendeley instead of shutting it down

The recent acquisition of popular reference manager Mendeley (I'm a Mendeley user myself) apparently only was a consequential step for publishing giant Elsevier, according to Mendeley insider Jason Hoyt.  Anyway, the pri...[more]
elsevier   open access   mendeley   publishers   publishing   
Posted on Tuesday 09 April 2013 - 11:38:57

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