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My lab:
Elsevier's on a run - towards more bad PR that is
Publishing giant Elsevier is really on a non-stop campaign for bad PR lately:
Elsevier   science publishing   science politics   
Posted on Wednesday 24 June 2009 - 09:30:44

Against own assertion, Elsevier doubled price for access

In their open letter in response to the growing boycott movement, Elsevier asserted that it had lowered cost of access:...[more]
elsevier   publishing   boycott   pricing   open access   
Posted on Saturday 11 February 2012 - 14:04:35

Even now the RWA was worth it for Elsevier

Everyone is shouting it from the rooftops already: Elsevier has dropped its support for the Research Works Act. As mentioned before, to me, this doesn't change my stance towards corporate publishers one bit. A...[more]
Elsevier   publishing   rwa   
Posted on Monday 27 February 2012 - 17:25:42

Elsevier changes strategy and buys Mendeley instead of shutting it down

The recent acquisition of popular reference manager Mendeley (I'm a Mendeley user myself) apparently only was a consequential step for publishing giant Elsevier, according to Mendeley insider Jason Hoyt.  Anyway, the pri...[more]
elsevier   open access   mendeley   publishers   publishing   
Posted on Tuesday 09 April 2013 - 11:38:57

What will Elsevier do with Mendeley's usage data?

There is a flood of commentary covering the sale of Mendeley to Elsevieer. However, only a few posts have bemoaned the sale of Mendeley's usage data to Elsevier. So perhaps now is a good time to speculate a little, what ...[more]
elsevier   mendeley   open access   publishing   publishers   
Posted on Thursday 11 April 2013 - 12:59:48

Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine
Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicinevia Bill Hooker.

If you don't get it, because you spent the last few weeks in a cave or something, read here, here, here, here and of course here. UPDATE: Latest coverage: Bad Science!...[more]
Merck   Elsevier   science publishing   journals   
Posted on Monday 11 May 2009 - 09:46:01

A fistful of dollars: why corporate publishers have no place in scholarly communication

With roughly four billion US$ in profit every year, the corporate scholarly publishing industry is a lucrative business. One of the largest of these publishers is Anglo-Dutch Elsevier, part of Reed Elsevier. According to...[more]
open access   publishing   elsevier   RWA   SOPA   OSTP   corporation   
Posted on Tuesday 10 January 2012 - 13:07:36

Competition in science: when is it too much of a good thing?

Clearly, competition is a great incentive and I think everyone can attest to that and not only from personal experience. If competition is lacking, all kinds of bad things tend to happen. For instance, in scholarly publi...[more]
open access   publishing   boycott   elsevier   libraries   
Posted on Thursday 09 February 2012 - 19:01:30

Let's help academic publishers in their quest to put themselves out of business!

publishing   libraries   lawsuit   libel   elsevier   edwin mellen   
Posted on Monday 11 February 2013 - 10:27:44

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