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My lab:
How brains generate variable behavior Animals constantly have to adapt to varying environmental conditions, explore new situations and figure out new strategies to catch prey or avoid predators. On the other hand, they need to be able to behave consistently...[more]
Aplysia   behavior   SfN   meeting   variability   spontaneity   
Posted on Sunday 18 October 2009 - 20:38:02

Final day at Neurofly2008
This is the final and for me most interesting day at this conference. This day is all about fly behavior. It started with the involvement of dopamine in the regulation of sleep loss and its impact on learning and respons...[more]
neurofly   behavior   meeting   
Posted on Wednesday 10 September 2008 - 10:48:38

Don't stress the scientists! “...[more]
stress   habit formation   behavior   action   costa   
Posted on Monday 03 August 2009 - 15:05:05

Fruit flies fly optimal flights
There is plenty of evidence that most animals have evolved optimal or near-optimal strategies when foraging. Birds and mammals cover huge areas in their foraging trips and do so by local searches combined with long-dista...[more]
drosophila   flight   behavior   optimal search   search   
Posted on Wednesday 11 April 2007 - 15:20:16

Dark energy in the brain?
What? There's "dark energy" in the brain? Not in mine I hope! Actually, it's not as bad as it sounds. There is an article out now in the journal Science (requires subscription, get the gist here), where the author ...[more]
spontaneous activity   output/input   behavior   dark energy   brain   fMRI   Raichle   humans   
Posted on Wednesday 29 November 2006 - 09:44:59

complex learning in fruit flies
Sadiepete (not a scientist) asked me some questions after having read our recent paper on context and occasion setting in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). I sat down and answered some of them by email. I think it's...[more]
drosophila   paper   behavior   learning   context   occasion setting   mushroom-bodies   
Posted on Thursday 26 October 2006 - 08:44:32

The will and its freedom: biological evidence from invertebrates A few weeks ago, Lars Chittka invited me to write an article "about free will in insects" for a Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences) Special Feature on 'Information processing in miniature brains' th...[more]
free will   spontaneity   behavior   invertebrates   proceedings   heisenberg   doyle   
Posted on Friday 23 July 2010 - 16:53:45

Draft of article on free will online
After much to little time spent writing, a first draft of the article for the Proceedings of the Royal Society is online. There was no way to get this article in the sort of shape I had initially planned, but given the d...[more]
free will   spontaneity   behavior   invertebrates   proceedings   
Posted on Thursday 26 August 2010 - 07:42:12

"Dark Energy" in the brain accounts for human behavioral variability
For the last year or so there's been much talk about the fact that the brain apparently spends up to 99% of its energy on apparently useless, task-unrelated activity. Nobody knew what these activity fluctuations were goo...[more]
spontaneous activity   output/input   behavior   dark energy   brain   fMRI   Raichle   humans   
Posted on Friday 05 October 2007 - 16:11:24

The amazing courtship dance of the peacock spider

It really doesn't need any introduction! Via SciLogs.

...and you should watch it until the end for a surprise.
video   spider   behavior   
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 09:44:04

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