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My lab:
Don't stress the scientists! “...[more]
stress   habit formation   behavior   action   costa   
Posted on Monday 03 August 2009 - 15:05:05

Should scientists be in control? The cliché scientist is often portrayed as the laborious worker slogging away days and nights in the lab. In contrast, the cliché for musicians or artists often comprises a bohemian lifestyle, full of parties, drugs and...[more]
stress   control   flexibility   dendritic pruning   Liston   
Posted on Monday 15 March 2010 - 11:30:47

Science, red in tooth and claw
I've been contemplating the current competitive state of science here before. The gist of it was that science may be suffering from too much competition, leading to an increasing incidence of misconduct, such as falsifyi...[more]
open access   sabotage   tenure   credibility   politics   fraud   misconduct   stress   
Posted on Thursday 30 September 2010 - 17:10:18

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