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My lab:
"Dark Energy" in the brain accounts for human behavioral variability
For the last year or so there's been much talk about the fact that the brain apparently spends up to 99% of its energy on apparently useless, task-unrelated activity. Nobody knew what these activity fluctuations were goo...[more]
spontaneous activity   output/input   behavior   dark energy   brain   fMRI   Raichle   humans   
Posted on Friday 05 October 2007 - 16:11:24

Dark energy in the brain?
What? There's "dark energy" in the brain? Not in mine I hope! Actually, it's not as bad as it sounds. There is an article out now in the journal Science (requires subscription, get the gist here), where the author ...[more]
spontaneous activity   output/input   behavior   dark energy   brain   fMRI   Raichle   humans   
Posted on Wednesday 29 November 2006 - 09:44:59

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