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My lab:
The brain creates something out of nothing Brains are what mathematicians call "information sources". At least this is one of the results of a set of elaborate experiments together with sophisticated analyses and computations reported in the current issue of ...[more]
variability   spontaneous   hallucination   information   creativity   mitral cells   sensory neurons   
Posted on Monday 25 October 2010 - 09:52:30

Noise in the brain?
ResearchBlogging.orgI was recently alerted to a group of theoretical publications which deal with the issue of apparent 'noise' in neuronal populations. The Nature Reviews Neuroscience article "...[more]
brain   noise   variability   neuroscience   
Posted on Friday 08 May 2009 - 10:28:42

How brains generate variable behavior Animals constantly have to adapt to varying environmental conditions, explore new situations and figure out new strategies to catch prey or avoid predators. On the other hand, they need to be able to behave consistently...[more]
Aplysia   behavior   SfN   meeting   variability   spontaneity   
Posted on Sunday 18 October 2009 - 20:38:02

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