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My lab:
Sea slug genetics reveal learning machinery
The sea slug Aplysia has been a popular model for learning and memory for almost 40 years now. It can perform simple learning tasks and its brain cells (neurons) are so large, they are very easy to experiment on. With th...[more]
Aplysia   learning   genes   
Posted on Wednesday 03 January 2007 - 15:37:45

After 40 years of research, there may be a reason why Aplysia can learn I'm currently in sunny southern California for some experiments at UCSD. This is the place where one can find the marine snail Aplysia in its natural habitat. As I've been working with Aplysia for about ten years now, I...[more]
aplysia   lobster   sensitization   learning   
Posted on Thursday 19 August 2010 - 07:11:08

Aplysia operant conditioning @ Scholarpedia
Recycling a review article from 2003 as base, I've started to write a Scholarpedia article on Aplysia operant conditoning. While the content concerning operant reward learning is basically complete, this is currently sti...[more]
Aplysia   feeding   operant   Scholarpedia   neuroscience   learning   memory   
Posted on Thursday 12 July 2007 - 08:43:48

Cognition workshop at Macquarie in Sydney

After an unusually rewarding and exciting SfN meeting in New Orleans with many ideas and new tools for the next experiments, I spent a day at my old lab in Houston, Texas to record some new, higher resolution videos of s...[more]
aplysia   spontaneous   SfN   meeting   Corpus Christi   Mozzachiodi   cognition   macquarie   australia   sydney   
Posted on Tuesday 23 October 2012 - 03:07:17

Mount Sinai MedSchool
After a very successful 3-week stay at UCSD in La Jolla, I'm now for a short stint in New York City, visiting the Klaudiusz Weiss lab here at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. I'm here by invitation of Betsy Cropper, a lon...[more]
Aplysia   Cropper   Mount Sinai Medical School   Weiss   
Posted on Wednesday 07 June 2006 - 15:05:39

and another tiny step ahead
Today was a good day (despite it being Monday, hehe ). First, the dissection went really well (see pics). Using this preparation, we found out that the ganglia are still capable of producing buccal motor programs after...[more]
Aplysia   UCSD   
Posted on Tuesday 23 May 2006 - 03:54:25

How brains generate variable behavior Animals constantly have to adapt to varying environmental conditions, explore new situations and figure out new strategies to catch prey or avoid predators. On the other hand, they need to be able to behave consistently...[more]
Aplysia   behavior   SfN   meeting   variability   spontaneity   
Posted on Sunday 18 October 2009 - 20:38:02

...and now for some slugs in science
Cheesy but true: that's what slugs are for! I only think Tritonia and Pleurobranchia are missing

Via DSN.
slugs   aplysia   kandel   youtube   video   
Posted on Saturday 14 August 2010 - 17:20:55

Great review on sea slug learning
There's a great new article out in the journal Learning & Memory. It reviews the recent developments in the field of conditioning the feeding behavior of the sea slug Aplysia. You can see an example of what this beha...[more]
paper   Aplysia   learning   
Posted on Friday 01 December 2006 - 19:17:12

perfect prep
It's one of those days... Today, I was able to produce the most beautiful preparation so far! I got the delicate buccal ganglion of Aplysia desheathed so beautifully, I love it! It felt so good and looked so pretty that ...[more]
optophysiology   imaging   aplysia   buccal ganglia   
Posted on Monday 29 May 2006 - 00:39:18

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