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My lab:
Molecular systems underlying learning and memory

The first session of the Janelia Farm Conference “Learning and Memory: A Synthesis of Flies and Honeybees” was all about the molecular processes supporting learning and memory. In fact, it wasmy impression that more and...[more]
molecular systems   learning   memory   long-term memory   meeting   
Posted on Monday 16 May 2011 - 18:31:55

Neural networks underlying learning and memory I

Both first sessions of the second day here at the Janelia Farm Conference “Learning and Memory: A Synthesis of Flies and Honeybees” were about the neural networks underlying learning and memory. At 9am, Andreas Thum k...[more]
networks   learning   memory   meeting   janelia   larvae   drosophila honey bee   
Posted on Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 16:30:09

Neural networks underlying learning and memory II

The second part of the session on neural networks underlying learning and memory was started by Randolf Menzel on "Neural signatures of learning and memory retrieval in mushroom body extrinsic neurons". Extrinsic PCT ne...[more]
networks   learning   memory   meeting   janelia   drosophila   flight simulator   
Posted on Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 18:29:21

Redundancy and parallelism in learning and memory

Josh Dubnau kicked off the 'redundancy session' with a very spirited talk presenting a systemic view of multiple memory systems in multiple neural populations of classical olfactory conditioning in Drosophila. After a wo...[more]
redundancy   learning   memory   courtship   olfactory   conditioning   
Posted on Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 21:38:23

Kyle Mathewson: Hippocampal Oscillations in Human Intracranial Recording

Up next at the Royce Conference of University of Alberta was a Skype presentation from Chicago by a former postdoc in Clayton Dickson's lab, Kyle Mathewson on electrode recordings in epileptic patients. He looked at sl...[more]
oscillations   skype   sleep   memory   hippocampus   
Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 - 22:29:13

Real conferences and spam-ferences

I've recently been invited to ...[more]
janelia   honey bee   fly   memory   learning   meeting   
Posted on Monday 16 May 2011 - 03:27:08

Fly psychology on Nature Precedings
I've just resubmitted (to PLoS Biology) my latest manuscript on how operant and classical components interact to accomplish the generation effect in flies and other animals. I've received plenty of constructive criticism...[more]
drosophila   nature precedings   psychology   learning   memory   generation effect   
Posted on Wednesday 05 September 2007 - 16:06:36

No brain is too small for a memory
ResearchBlogging.orgI'm trying to catch up with my backlog of research news (~600 unread messages) and what do you know, the first one is already worth blogging about! Researchers from the Brooklyn College in New York ...[more]
classical conditioning   cephalopods   invertebrates   learning   memory   neuroscience   brain   
Posted on Friday 24 October 2008 - 18:24:24

Dopamine everywhere

The third session here at the Janelia Farm Conference “Learning and Memory: A Synthesis of Flies and Honeybees” covered the action of dopamine. Hiromu Tanimoto started with his experiments trying to identify the dopami...[more]
drosophila   dopamine   aversive   learning   memory   ARM   oscillations   spontaneous activity   
Posted on Monday 16 May 2011 - 21:32:47

...and now for some fruit fly learning

Whoda thunk that one of my most esteemed colleagues is also a movie star?

Drosophila   learning   t-maze   dubnau   training   memory   
Posted on Saturday 25 February 2012 - 13:49:23

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