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My lab:
The authoritative instruction for conditioning honey bees
Most of my colleagues here at our institute work on honeybees. Many of them train bees to extend their proboscis to particular odors and then study the processes which mediate memory formation. This proboscis extension r...[more]
honey bees   eisenhardt   conditioning   proboscis   PER   classical conditioning   
Posted on Tuesday 25 January 2011 - 18:07:54

Redundancy and parallelism in learning and memory

Josh Dubnau kicked off the 'redundancy session' with a very spirited talk presenting a systemic view of multiple memory systems in multiple neural populations of classical olfactory conditioning in Drosophila. After a wo...[more]
redundancy   learning   memory   courtship   olfactory   conditioning   
Posted on Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 21:38:23

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