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My lab:
classical conditioning
No brain is too small for a memory
ResearchBlogging.orgI'm trying to catch up with my backlog of research news (~600 unread messages) and what do you know, the first one is already worth blogging about! Researchers from the Brooklyn College in New York ...[more]
classical conditioning   cephalopods   invertebrates   learning   memory   neuroscience   brain   
Posted on Friday 24 October 2008 - 18:24:24

Operant and classical learning can be differentiated at the genetic level
Blogging on Peer-Reviewed ResearchIt always feels good to report that one of one's own papers has been accepted for publication. This one has been in the works for a very long time and I'm especially happy that it's now finally coming out. The paper is e...[more]
operant conditioning   learning   classical conditioning   Pavlov   Skinner   Drosophila   rutabaga   PKC   
Posted on Thursday 31 July 2008 - 19:06:22

Classical color learning in Drosophila at the torque meter

We were discussing the different learning experiments Drosophila had been subjected to the other day. There is rather little on color learning and most of that is not controlling for intensity differences the colors may ...[more]
drosophila   color learning   classical conditioning   torque meter   flight simiulator   
Posted on Thursday 27 October 2011 - 19:46:07

Odor recognition learning in free-living salmon
Canadian researchers have for the first time successfully conditioned free-living juvenile salmon to recognize a novel odor. The work was published in the Journal "Animal Behaviour". This fantastic feat was accomplished ...[more]
learning   salmon   science   classical conditioning   odor   olfaction   
Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2007 - 15:32:56

Insect learning: trace conditioning and spike timing-dependent plasticity The most well-known molecular mechanism of learning involves coincidence detection. In post-synaptic LTP, the NMDA receptor only opens fully if a postsynaptic depolarization has removed the magnesium block by the time g...[more]
learning   manduca   spike timing-dependent plasticity   classical conditioning   
Posted on Monday 29 September 2008 - 17:58:17

The authoritative instruction for conditioning honey bees
Most of my colleagues here at our institute work on honeybees. Many of them train bees to extend their proboscis to particular odors and then study the processes which mediate memory formation. This proboscis extension r...[more]
honey bees   eisenhardt   conditioning   proboscis   PER   classical conditioning   
Posted on Tuesday 25 January 2011 - 18:07:54

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