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My lab:
operant conditioning
Are things starting to really take off now?
The last two weeks have been fantastic! My latest experiments tell me that operant conditioning and classical conditioning actually can be dissociated at the genetic level. I have mutants that are defective in classical,...[more]
operant conditioning   learning   genes   students   Caipirinha   
Posted on Monday 17 March 2008 - 19:02:35

Operant and classical learning can be differentiated at the genetic level
Blogging on Peer-Reviewed ResearchIt always feels good to report that one of one's own papers has been accepted for publication. This one has been in the works for a very long time and I'm especially happy that it's now finally coming out. The paper is e...[more]
operant conditioning   learning   classical conditioning   Pavlov   Skinner   Drosophila   rutabaga   PKC   
Posted on Thursday 31 July 2008 - 19:06:22

Cognitive Daily: Operant conditioning at the NC Zoo
Dave Munger over at Cognitive Daily has a great post on how zoos use operant conditioning for the welfare of their animals. They use operant conditioning on basically all mammals, maybe even most vertebrates there, for e...[more]
operant conditioning   operant   learning   zoo   
Posted on Tuesday 23 September 2008 - 12:48:16

The neurobiology of operant conditioning
operant conditioning   self-learning   rutabaga   PKC   FoxP   
Posted on Thursday 28 April 2011 - 14:18:28

What can the spinal cord teach us about learning and memory?

This post was chosen as an Editor's Selection for
Only very few laboratories in the world perform operant conditioning of spinal reflexes. In fact, a quick PubMed search reveals there is only a single lab which has published in this field in the last decade, the lab of ...[more]
operant conditioning   h-reflex   wolpaw   spinal reflex   stretch reflex   reflex   
Posted on Friday 29 April 2011 - 14:28:51

Operant conditioning Dilbert style
Today's Dilbert perfectly illustrates a very special case of operant conditioning which reminds one of what BF Skinner observed in pigeons in 1948: superstitious conditioning. No more words necessary:

Dilbert   operant conditioning   
Posted on Wednesday 12 September 2007 - 07:28:58

Operant conditioning on the rise
A quick literature search on PubMed revealed that the publication rate in the field of operant (instrumental) conditioning is currently at a 25-year high. This result confirms my subjective impression that more and more ...[more]
operant learning   operant conditioning   operant   instrumental   
Posted on Thursday 02 June 2005 - 17:56:28

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