Are things starting to really take off now? |
The last two weeks have been fantastic! My latest experiments tell me that operant conditioning and classical conditioning actually can be dissociated at the genetic level. I have mutants that are defective in classical,...[more] |
operant conditioning learning genes students Caipirinha |
Posted on Monday 17 March 2008 - 19:02:35 |
Operant and classical learning can be differentiated at the genetic level |
It always feels good to report that one of one's own papers has been accepted for publication. This one has been in the works for a very long time and I'm especially happy that it's now finally coming out. The paper is e...[more] |
operant conditioning learning classical conditioning Pavlov Skinner Drosophila rutabaga PKC |
Posted on Thursday 31 July 2008 - 19:06:22 |
Cognitive Daily: Operant conditioning at the NC Zoo |
Dave Munger over at Cognitive Daily has a great post on how zoos use operant conditioning for the welfare of their animals. They use operant conditioning on basically all mammals, maybe even most vertebrates there, for e...[more] |
operant conditioning operant learning zoo |
Posted on Tuesday 23 September 2008 - 12:48:16 |
The neurobiology of operant conditioning |
...[more] |
operant conditioning self-learning rutabaga PKC FoxP |
Posted on Thursday 28 April 2011 - 14:18:28 |
What can the spinal cord teach us about learning and memory? |
Only very few laboratories in the world perform operant conditioning of spinal reflexes. In fact, a quick PubMed search reveals there is only a single lab which has published in this field in the last decade, the lab of ...[more] |
operant conditioning h-reflex wolpaw spinal reflex stretch reflex reflex |
Posted on Friday 29 April 2011 - 14:28:51 |
Operant conditioning Dilbert style |
Today's Dilbert perfectly illustrates a very special case of operant conditioning which reminds one of what BF Skinner observed in pigeons in 1948: superstitious conditioning. No more words necessary: ...[more] |
Dilbert operant conditioning |
Posted on Wednesday 12 September 2007 - 07:28:58 |
Operant conditioning on the rise |
A quick literature search on PubMed revealed that the publication rate in the field of operant (instrumental) conditioning is currently at a 25-year high. This result confirms my subjective impression that more and more ...[more] |
operant learning operant conditioning operant instrumental |
Posted on Thursday 02 June 2005 - 17:56:28 |