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operant learning
Operant conditioning on the rise |
A quick literature search on PubMed revealed that the publication rate in the field of operant (instrumental) conditioning is currently at a 25-year high. This result confirms my subjective impression that more and more ...[more] |
operant learning operant conditioning operant instrumental |
Posted on Thursday 02 June 2005 - 17:56:28 |
SfN2010: Drosophila FoxP is required for operant self-learning |
At this year's SfN annual meeting in San Diego, I will present our data on the fly orthologue of the human 'language gene' FOXP2. The poster will be up on Tuesday afternoon, so if you're interested in these sorts of thin...[more] |
FoxP operant learning self-learning language |
Posted on Sunday 14 November 2010 - 20:45:40 |
Arrived in La Jolla |
For the next six weeks I'll be staying in sunny southern California to perform experiments in Bill Kristan's lab at UCSD. I'll be working on the neurobiological basis of decision making in leeches. Specifically, I'll be ...[more] |
leech Kristan decision making operant learning experiments operant |
Posted on Thursday 12 August 2010 - 23:20:04 |