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My lab:
Cognition in Invertebrates
The book chapter is now out that I wrote together with Randolf Menzel and Martin Giurfa for "Evolution of Nervous Systems" (Academic Press, Oxford). It's a review over recent literature on how invertebrate animals use in...[more]
chapter   cognition   invertebrates   
Posted on Tuesday 06 March 2007 - 09:33:47

No brain is too small for a memory
ResearchBlogging.orgI'm trying to catch up with my backlog of research news (~600 unread messages) and what do you know, the first one is already worth blogging about! Researchers from the Brooklyn College in New York ...[more]
classical conditioning   cephalopods   invertebrates   learning   memory   neuroscience   brain   
Posted on Friday 24 October 2008 - 18:24:24

Call for papers: decision-making in invertebrates
I'm writing this post in my role as editor of the innovative group of open access journals, "Frontiers in Neuroscience". I am currently organizing a Special Topic for the journal "Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience", cen...[more]
Frontiers in Neuroscience   decision-making   invertebrates   special issue   
Posted on Wednesday 09 February 2011 - 10:37:52

The will and its freedom: biological evidence from invertebrates A few weeks ago, Lars Chittka invited me to write an article "about free will in insects" for a Proceedings of the Royal Society B (Biological Sciences) Special Feature on 'Information processing in miniature brains' th...[more]
free will   spontaneity   behavior   invertebrates   proceedings   heisenberg   doyle   
Posted on Friday 23 July 2010 - 16:53:45

Draft of article on free will online
After much to little time spent writing, a first draft of the article for the Proceedings of the Royal Society is online. There was no way to get this article in the sort of shape I had initially planned, but given the d...[more]
free will   spontaneity   behavior   invertebrates   proceedings   
Posted on Thursday 26 August 2010 - 07:42:12

Towards a scientific concept of free will Today, the Royal Society published my article reviewing the invertebrate data supporting a scientific concept of free will. In it, I first reiterate that the metaphysical concept of free will is long dead (since the 197...[more]
free will   decision-making   spontaneity   spontaneous activity   invertebrates   
Posted on Wednesday 15 December 2010 - 20:35:28

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