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My lab:
Neural networks underlying learning and memory I

Both first sessions of the second day here at the Janelia Farm Conference “Learning and Memory: A Synthesis of Flies and Honeybees” were about the neural networks underlying learning and memory. At 9am, Andreas Thum k...[more]
networks   learning   memory   meeting   janelia   larvae   drosophila honey bee   
Posted on Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 16:30:09

Neural networks underlying learning and memory II

The second part of the session on neural networks underlying learning and memory was started by Randolf Menzel on "Neural signatures of learning and memory retrieval in mushroom body extrinsic neurons". Extrinsic PCT ne...[more]
networks   learning   memory   meeting   janelia   drosophila   flight simulator   
Posted on Tuesday 17 May 2011 - 18:29:21

Frontiers, F1000, PLoS One, Mendeley et al., brace yourselves
Almost right on my cue, Judson Dunham of Elsevier reveals the results of a recent survey into how researchers want to search for information and data. Here are what I thought were the two most interesting paragraphs:...[more]
mendeley   article level metrics   citations   statistics   F1000   post-publication   networks   peers   experts   
Posted on Friday 01 October 2010 - 11:47:21

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