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My lab:
My library is already an open access publisher! Is yours?

Given the current three infrastructure crises in science, the readily available funds for mitigating these crises currently draining into the pockets of corporate CEOs and their shareholders, and ...[more]
publishing   scholcomm   libraries   publishers   infrastructure   
Posted on Wednesday 09 January 2013 - 15:06:15

How scholarly publishers could save themselves (but likely won't)

Scholarly publishers feel the heat, frantically struggling to preserve their threatened business model. More and more it seems they may be going the way of the music industry into irrelevance, when it would be so easy to...[more]
publishing   publishers   standards   open access   subscriptions   
Posted on Wednesday 06 March 2013 - 10:00:35

Science without journals: More evidence that journal rank is a poor predictor of citations

ResearchBlogging.orgIn response to my last post, Dwight Kravitz from the NIH alerted me to his paper on a similar topic: Toward a new model of scientific publishing: discussion and a proposal. His paper contains some very interesting data,...[more]
publishing   journal rank   citations   bibliometrics   journals   
Posted on Wednesday 14 December 2011 - 11:37:48

iPubSci: a good idea that doesn't go nearly far enough

A few days ago i received an email alerting me to iPubSci. This initiative is thought to be applied to scholarly publishing very much in parallel to the way iTunes has changed the way music is bought and sold over the in...[more]
publishing   libraries   iPubSci   publishers   
Posted on Thursday 15 December 2011 - 10:13:04

Impact factor predicts unreliability of research papers

ResearchBlogging.orgLast week, we've already seen that the most prominent way of ranking scholarly journals, Thomson Reuters' Impact Factor (IF), isn't a very good measure for predicting how many citations your scientific paper will attract...[more]
publishing   impact factor   reliability   correlation   
Posted on Monday 26 December 2011 - 23:26:04

Visiting University of Alberta: discussing publishing instead of science

For the last day and a half I've been visiting University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. I've been invited by Clayton Dickson in the psychology department to give a presentation at this year's Royce Conference here. I'm...[more]
publishing   University of Alberta   dickson   Royce   
Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 - 18:41:27

The danger of universal gold open access

As a strong supporter of any open access initative over the last almost ten years, there is now a looming threat that the situation may deteriorate beyond the abysmal state scholarly publishing is in right now.

Yes, you r...[more]
publishing   open access   libraries   
Posted on Wednesday 07 November 2012 - 23:04:14

...and now for some Peerevaluation

Posted on Monday 05 March 2012 - 22:56:56

Scientific publishing and Santa Claus

Just saw this at breakfast and need to spread it (via @caseybergman, originally from The Upturned Microscope):

publishing   fun   comics   
Posted on Thursday 15 November 2012 - 10:21:43

The poverty of journal publishing

Back in April, just as I set out on my crazy teaching assignment in Leipzig, I received a manuscript on academic publishing which was accepted for publication, entitled "The Poverty of Journal Publishing". Back then, I d...[more]
publishing   paper   
Posted on Monday 19 November 2012 - 16:19:26

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