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Christopher Sturdy: musical responses and chickadees |
Here at the Royce Conference of University of Alberta, three consecutive talks were from graduate students in the lab of Chris Sturdy. The first one was on 'response strategies for musical stimuli: parsing the propertie...[more] |
sturdy Royce chickadees songs birdsong |
Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 - 19:57:09 |
Marcia Spetch: Extreme memory and risky choice |
Here at the Royce Conference of University of Alberta, Marcia Spetch talked about her research on risky choice. She started out by stating that people tend to be risk-averse for gains and risk-prone for losses. She obser...[more] |
spetch risky choice decision-making Royce |
Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 - 19:01:24 |
Visiting University of Alberta: discussing publishing instead of science |
For the last day and a half I've been visiting University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. I've been invited by Clayton Dickson in the psychology department to give a presentation at this year's Royce Conference here. I'm...[more] |
publishing University of Alberta dickson Royce |
Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 - 18:41:27 |