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My lab:
Kazuo Okanoya: Neuroethology of song complexity in Bengalese finches
I missed the first part of the previous plenary lecture by Dan-Eric Nilsson on the evolution of eyes: "Animal vision: The simple beginning" But what I saw was a great showcase of first an overeview of eyes, eye genes and...[more]
meeting   neuroethology   okanoya   birdsong   
Posted on Friday 27 July 2007 - 18:56:29

Christopher Sturdy: musical responses and chickadees

Here at the Royce Conference of University of Alberta, three consecutive talks were from graduate students in the lab of Chris Sturdy. The first one was on 'response strategies for musical stimuli: parsing the propertie...[more]
sturdy   Royce   chickadees   songs   birdsong   
Posted on Friday 02 March 2012 - 19:57:09

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