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My lab:
I'm one of "100 Amazing Scientists You Should Follow on Twitter"
Now that came totally unexpected, as I hardly use Twitter. However, I do feed all my FriendFeed activity into Twitter, so for people who use Twitter, they'd see all my contributions to the scientific discussions going on...[more]
Twitter   FriendFeed   web 2.0   
Posted on Monday 15 February 2010 - 16:47:38

Social filtering of scientific information - a view beyond Twitter
It's not information overload, it's filter failure (Clay Shirky)

Bonetta (2009) gave an excellent introduction to the micro-blogging service Twitter and its uses and limitations for scientific communication. We believe th...[more]
FriendFeed   Twitter   Facebook   scholarly communication   social filtering   Web 2.0   
Posted on Thursday 07 January 2010 - 17:11:37

Finally online during ISCP meeting!
Now finally, on the last day of the conference, we have a reliable wifi connection in the meeting room. This meeting of the International Society for Comparative Psychology is a very cozy, small conference with not more ...[more]
meeting   ISCP   Japan   Twitter   comparative psychology   
Posted on Friday 21 May 2010 - 04:47:06

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