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My lab:
Friendfeed doesn't like multiple feeds from the same URL
I've just converted the old chatbox to a new experiment: microblogging. You can see the result on the right. In order for this to work the way I want, I need to hook the feed up to my Friendfeed feed (many feeds in there...[more]
FriendFeed   microblog   chatbox   
Posted on Monday 15 September 2008 - 17:30:55

Social filtering of scientific information - a view beyond Twitter
It's not information overload, it's filter failure (Clay Shirky)

Bonetta (2009) gave an excellent introduction to the micro-blogging service Twitter and its uses and limitations for scientific communication. We believe th...[more]
FriendFeed   Twitter   Facebook   scholarly communication   social filtering   Web 2.0   
Posted on Thursday 07 January 2010 - 17:11:37

I'm one of "100 Amazing Scientists You Should Follow on Twitter"
Now that came totally unexpected, as I hardly use Twitter. However, I do feed all my FriendFeed activity into Twitter, so for people who use Twitter, they'd see all my contributions to the scientific discussions going on...[more]
Twitter   FriendFeed   web 2.0   
Posted on Monday 15 February 2010 - 16:47:38

Should you be blogging?
The title of this essay is re-used (as is much of what scientists do and write about) from an article in Cell by Laura Bonetta where she describes the Twitter service and some of the scientists using it. She leaves it op...[more]
blog   researchblogging   friendfeed   scienceblogging   
Posted on Monday 28 February 2011 - 16:50:31

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