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My lab:
A Facebook for neuroscientists?

Today launched a new service from the Society for Neuroscience: NeurOnline. SfN has put a lot of effort in this service, such as setting up community 'champions' to pre-populate the forum. I'm one of these champions (for...[more]
facebook   neuronline   web 2.0   social web   
Posted on Monday 13 June 2011 - 18:29:38

Social filtering of scientific information - a view beyond Twitter
It's not information overload, it's filter failure (Clay Shirky)

Bonetta (2009) gave an excellent introduction to the micro-blogging service Twitter and its uses and limitations for scientific communication. We believe th...[more]
FriendFeed   Twitter   Facebook   scholarly communication   social filtering   Web 2.0   
Posted on Thursday 07 January 2010 - 17:11:37

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