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My lab:
Flies are just humans after all
I just came across a PLoS Biology article by John Krakauer et al. in which the authors describe the transfer of motor learning across different ccontexts. I'm not done reading the article, but it looks like they trained ...[more]
Krakauer   learning   generalization   
Posted on Wednesday 13 September 2006 - 17:29:39

Human learning systems interact much like fly learning systems
When we discovered a novel learning system in the fruitfly Drosophila (Brembs & Plendl, 2008) and then found out how it interacted with the one learning system which is described in all relevant textbooks (...[more]
self-learning   world-learning   krakauer   operant   
Posted on Friday 28 December 2012 - 13:40:01

Why do we like to move it? An evolutionary hypothesis concerning motor control and reward.
I met Columbia neurologist John Krakauer (who has a very interesting brother at the Santa Fe Institute, by the way) at the 2006 SfN meeting in Atlanta after his ...[more]
reward   dopamine   octopamine   insects   mammals   motor control   behavior   behavior initiation   Krakauer   
Posted on Tuesday 30 September 2008 - 16:46:00

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