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My lab:
Last night at the pub...
Last night I gave a talk at the monthly meeting of the They had invited me as I had handled one of their members' paper on PLoS One in my function as academic editor. I had a great time there. The people...[more]
BiologieNetz   talk   fun   beer   
Posted on Monday 22 October 2007 - 10:37:19

seriously in demand
At the SfN annual meeting I met up with Thomas Nowotny whom I knew from his time at UCSD. He just got a job in Brighton at the University of Sussex and invited me to give a talk there on November 21st. I'm really looking...[more]
interview   talk   OpenAccess   WissKomm   
Posted on Monday 12 November 2007 - 16:38:54

Last night at the black tie event...
Racing from one scientific event to the next, I was invited last night to give a talk at the Department of Physics at the Humboldt-University here in Berlin, more specifically at the Insitute for Statistical Physics and ...[more]
Holtzbrinck   prize   talk   
Posted on Wednesday 24 October 2007 - 11:20:57

The final meeting of the week: OKCon

This has been a rather hectic week for me, with comparatively spotty web access (even in 2011, it is still possible to have spotty connectivity in an industrialized country!).

The week started with the annual meeting of G...[more]
OS11   OKCon   meeting   talk   presentation   
Posted on Thursday 30 June 2011 - 10:49:32

Tomorrow social scientist Huisken will attack neuroscience in Berlin
As previously reported, Prof. Dr. Freerk Huisken (Wikipedia) professor emeritus of the University of Bremen, will give a talk here in Berlin tomorrow. He was invited by the "Sozialreferat" of the AStA FU, the students' g...[more]
Huisken   Brain   free will   talk   social science   
Posted on Monday 14 January 2008 - 14:53:04

On my way to the 15th Biennial Meeting International Society for Comparative Psychology in Hyogo, Japan
Right now I'm sitting at my breakfast table reading the last news before I get on the plane towards Japan for the ISCP2010 on Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan. I'll be speaking on "Decision-making in Drosophila: spontaneous ac...[more]
psychology   comparative psychology   meeting   drosophila   talk   hyogo   Japan   
Posted on Tuesday 18 May 2010 - 08:00:57

Honoraria from for-profit organizations?

honorarium   for-profit   corporation   company   talk   presentation   
Posted on Thursday 14 July 2011 - 15:13:33

Presentation online
The talk I gave at the Alergic seminar series of the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK is now posted on Google video (you may have to turn up the volume a bit):

This is a pretty lo-res version of the video, though, so...[more]
video   presentation   Drosophila   Sussex   Brighton   talk   
Posted on Tuesday 04 December 2007 - 17:59:39

BioVid: Jens Tomat - Journal of Visualized Experiments
Jens works for JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments. I know Jens from a brief visit he paid to our lab in preparation for a video publication we will record for JoVe in the near future.

Jove was founded as a scient...[more]
Göttingen   BioVid   video   science communication   Tomat   talk   
Posted on Thursday 14 February 2008 - 12:44:33

BioVid: Volker Lange - communicating science with videos
Volker Lange is the first speaker of the day. He is from the WissKomm which produces a weekly science video. Last December he produced a video featuring yours truly grin.png

Volker Lange's talk was mainly about the history and d...[more]
Göttingen   BioVid   video   science communication   Lange   talk   
Posted on Thursday 14 February 2008 - 12:26:08

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