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Nature Precedings
Nature Precedings doesn't like animations
I just uploaded my FENS presentation to Nature Precedings. Unfortunately, the PPT import feature is extremely rudimentary, preventing even the simplest of animations to show up in the converted file:

For comparison, see t...[more]
Nature Precedings   presentations   power point   
Posted on Wednesday 17 September 2008 - 14:19:06

Fly psychology on Nature Precedings
I've just resubmitted (to PLoS Biology) my latest manuscript on how operant and classical components interact to accomplish the generation effect in flies and other animals. I've received plenty of constructive criticism...[more]
drosophila   nature precedings   psychology   learning   memory   generation effect   
Posted on Wednesday 05 September 2007 - 16:06:36

Render time: 0.0514 sec, 0.0074 of that for queries.