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My lab:
linked open data
DataCite workshop in Cologne

Today, I'm attanding a workshop in Cologne organized by and about DataCite. DataCite is an organization that helps make scientific data citable, as the name says (for instance by registering DOIs for data). I was invited...[more]
datacite   data level metrics   semantic web   linked open data   citations   metrics   
Posted on Wednesday 12 December 2012 - 15:23:48

Looking for collaborators in an Open Science project

In December we submitted a manuscript to PLoS One where we present our analysis on trajectory data of walking Drosophila fruit flies. We have developed software that uses generic webcams to capture the position of the an...[more]
open science   trajectories   drosophila   semantic web   database   linked open data   
Posted on Thursday 09 February 2012 - 10:24:23

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