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My lab:
fruit flies
Research is never simply an earmark
Now that we all know that the specific research Sarah Palin was referring to was about a different genus of Dipterans, Tephritidae, and not Drosophila. Apparently, these fruit flies are an important pest threatening Cali...[more]
fruit flies   Drosophila   Palin   research   science   politics   earmarks   pork barrel   
Posted on Monday 27 October 2008 - 09:16:10

...and now for some brief history of fruit fly research
Fellow JoVE editor Wendy Chao has created a nice litle video about the history of fruit fly research:

Nature blogs claim tag: da2f172d3bdf79ce7a2c44b1d215806c
Palin   drosophila   fruit flies   video   
Posted on Monday 03 November 2008 - 14:22:18

The fly swatter
Awesome painting of Palin going after a fruit fly researcher:


via Pharyngula...[more]
fun   Palin   drosophila   fruit flies   politics   
Posted on Friday 07 November 2008 - 16:28:43

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