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Theory of evolution just got even better
Blogging on Peer-Reviewed ResearchIn the beginning, there was only the concept of mutation and selection. About 150 years ago this was called "Darwinism" and quickly swept the scientific community. Around the 1920s/30s, mutation and selection was complem...[more]
evolution   creationism   robustness   degeneracy   
Posted on Thursday 24 April 2008 - 13:25:16

And another missing link down, only a few more to go
After reporting on the study of the evolution of insect flight not too long ago, there is now not one but two Nature articles on more missing links which are no longer missing. The palaeontologists describe a fossil (...[more]
evolution   tiktaalik   intermediates   
Posted on Monday 10 April 2006 - 17:10:41

Cartoon explains evolution to a creationist

This comic strip is absolutely amazing! It manages to fit a lot of information and concepts into nicely drawn pictures. Pure genius, go and read the whole story!
(via Pharyngula)
evolution   creationism   fun   cartoon   
Posted on Wednesday 22 June 2011 - 21:21:53

Two new gaps in the fossil record
Blogging on Peer-Reviewed ResearchCreationists love to refer to alleged gaps in the fossil record. Usually, this is out of ignorance of the vast number of different fossils found. What they claim to be missing are intermediate stages of evolution of some...[more]
evolution   intermediates   creationism   intelligent design   fossils   placoderms   
Posted on Thursday 13 December 2007 - 15:17:07

A politically savvy attack on gravity
Evolution and gravity have a lot in common. We experience them every day, yet we don't fully understand how they work. That's why both are under investigation by scientists. Both phenomena have been misused to bring grea...[more]
evolution   creationism   intelligent design   
Posted on Sunday 16 August 2009 - 13:44:22

Blogging on Peer-Reviewed ResearchProbably the most important common denominator of evolutionary theory and neuroscience is degeneracy. The degeneracy found in gene networks and the degeneracy found in the organization of brains. See e.g. ...[more]
evolution   creationism   robustness   degeneracy   neuroscience   
Posted on Friday 09 May 2008 - 12:40:53

Do you believe in paternity tests?

evolution   creationism   einstein   relativity   phylogeny   molecular phylogeny   
Posted on Friday 23 September 2011 - 15:50:19

Magic man done it
This one comes via Pharyngula. PZ Myers managed to write the entire syllabus for a course that involved creationism/intelligent design:

A magic man done it.

Yup, that's it. You can close your mouths and start clapping now....[more]
evolution   creationism   intelligent design   video   fun   
Posted on Monday 16 June 2008 - 15:16:28

DarWIN day!

Today's entry in honor of Darwin Day comes with it's own caption:
evolution   creationism   darwin   fun   
Posted on Sunday 12 February 2012 - 14:40:54

And yet another two more gaps in the fossil record
Blogging on Peer-Reviewed ResearchAs I just got word from PhysOrg, Coturnix and Carl Zimmer (read Carl Zimmer's post, excellent background story!), creationists were just handed yet another victory: the number of gaps in the fossil record has just increa...[more]
evolution   flatfish   Friedman   creationism   intelligent design   
Posted on Thursday 10 July 2008 - 10:56:56

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