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My lab:
Childcare is the least problem for scientists with families
Childcare is the least problem when you are a scientist with a family. I'm saying this as a scientist father in Germany, a country with a (deserved) reputation for bad child care. In the past, a lot has been said and wri...[more]
childcare   employment   women   children   
Posted on Tuesday 18 January 2011 - 11:40:47

Science is not a 9-5 job
Yesterday I read an article in the German newspaper "Süddeutsche", in which the author states that basically every German scientist incriminates his employer. The article says:

science politics   working hours   employment   
Posted on Tuesday 29 January 2008 - 08:39:44

Please dispose thoughtfully of your used postdocs
This morning, I read this letter to Nature about how 80% of US postdocs never get a tenured position. Then there is this discussion at FriendFeed where Bill Hooker posts this image:

postdocs   science politics   employment   labor   
Posted on Thursday 28 August 2008 - 19:24:53

The data confirm: don't get children before tenure

This morning, on the podcast of the journal Science was an interview with Beryl Lieff Benderly who covered the topic of women in science. They talked about a recent feature article in American Scientist precisely on tha...[more]
women   children   science politics   working hours   employment   childcare   
Posted on Thursday 19 April 2012 - 10:31:39

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