linking back to

My lab:
Portland Images
Of course I'm long back since my trip to Pamplona, but I thought I should post a link to the pictures in the gallery
Since then I also heard that our big Marie Curie Excellence Grant (EU) didn't get funded so I'm 0-3 in...[more]
DFG   science funding   
Posted on Monday 11 October 2004 - 15:45:41

slow DFG
Now this is getting totally pathetic! The German Science Council (DFG) was supposed to decide over my future (i.e. my grant) on December 5, 2003. A few weeks before that (my move from Houston to Berlin was already booked...[more]
DFG   science funding   
Posted on Friday 13 February 2004 - 09:00:20

second try rejected
After rejecting my first Emmy-Noether II grant in 2004, the DFG actually rejected th second grant as well. In the first rejection letter, I was asked to revise and resubmit the grant. It was this second, revised version ...[more]
DFG   Emmy-Noether   science funding   
Posted on Tuesday 04 January 2005 - 11:26:42

Funding opportunity for Open Science in Germany
Yesterday, Daniel Mietchen sent me an email with a link to a DFG webpage. The DFG is the largest German science funding agency. To my great surprise, the page contained a call for grant applications with the title (trans...[more]
DFG   open science   blog   wiki   reputation system   funding   semantic web   
Posted on Wednesday 25 March 2009 - 19:13:57

more trouble ahead
While it seems the problems with funding that arose because the DFG decided to postpone the decision about my Emmy-Noether phase II, are solvable, now the IRS forebodes trouble.
At a visit to the local IRS office to get m...[more]
science funding   DFG   Emmy-Noether   
Posted on Friday 07 November 2003 - 20:56:58

German Science
Just got off the phone with my administrator at the German Science Foundation (DFG). It seems chances are very slim that my Emmy-Noether II grant will get funded. And that despite a science paper, two invited reviews and...[more]
science funding   DFG   Emmy-Noether   HFSP   
Posted on Monday 01 December 2003 - 21:46:05

featured in "Laborjournal"
If you're in Germany, check out the latest issue (4-2005) of the magazine "Laborjournal"! The famous author Hubert "Siegfried Bär" Rehm has written an article about the funding woes yours truly has had to endure since the ...[more]
LaborJournal   DFG   science funding   
Posted on Wednesday 20 April 2005 - 18:35:25

Heisenberg fellowship
Finally! Last Monday I traveled to Bonn to present my grant proposal to the DFG. It was an almost 5h train ride after which I met with an old friend from graduate school for dinner. Used most of the ride to tune the talk...[more]
Heisenberg   grant   DFG   
Posted on Thursday 05 March 2009 - 17:39:38

Japan, Oxford, flies and science 2.0
Finally, on my last day of traveling, I can get online for more than just a few minutes at a time. I'm sitting in the final sessions of a very exciting workshop here at Magdalen College Oxford University on new developme...[more]
Japan   Nagoya   DFG   Drosophila   science 2.0   Oxford   Magdalen   
Posted on Wednesday 23 September 2009 - 13:15:25

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