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My lab:
Now this is getting totally pathetic! The German Science Council ( DFG) was supposed to decide over my future (i.e. my grant) on December 5, 2003. A few weeks before that (my move from Houston to Berlin was already booked and organized), they tell me they had to delay the decision until February 6, 2004. Now that was exactly one week ago and despite a reminder email from me yesterday, I still haven't heard a peep from them.
Meanwhile I'm sitting here with no money, no future, no nothing, nada, zilch. If this is supposed to be the German "elite program", how will the regular treatment be? Or is this how the "Elite Universities" are supposed to be running?

UPDATE: A phonecall revealed that they indeed rejected my grant, as previously feared. I will get the reviewer's comments within the next 10 days. That may actually mean the end of my career in science.
Posted on Friday 13 February 2004 - 09:00:20 comment: 0

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