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My lab:
After I totally screwed up an interview with the BBC World Service late last year so badly they didn't even broadcast it, I had a live interview with the regional public radio station RBB Radio Eins yesterday morning. The interview was part of their Saturday morning 9-12am science program (think NPR Science Friday) "Die Profis". The interview lasted about 5 minutes and can still be listened to in their archive. The topic was free will, of course, all in the wake of my recent article and the interviewe in the Süddeutsche.

Even though it was better than the BBC interview, I clearly have a few things I need to improve upon. The most obvious thing to me was that my attempt of trying to talk in a language everybody would understand also led to me talking in my local dialect. I don't think I should do that when talking science. I just need to adjust the vocabulary, not the vernacular It'll probably also work better if the next interviewe isn't so early in the norning
Posted on Sunday 20 February 2011 - 11:16:38 comment: 0

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