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My lab:
As if the move wasn't turbulent enough with the floods and tornadoes and all, now my truck wanted to go on fire!
I had just signed the title over to my mechanic who bought it from me. He had paid me half the money and I had agreed to bring him the truck the next day for the other half of the money. A few minutes later, cruising along, I felt the putrid smell of burning plastic. I was just wondering which of the guys in front of me was driving with his handbrake on, when I noticed thick white smoke from behind me. I pulled over, opened the hood and thick, billowing smoke came out of the alternator.Seconds later, there were flames shooting out of the alternator! Luckily, I had pulled into a dealership (Chrysler Jeep on Kirby and 59) and they had a fire-extinguisher nearby. I extinguished the fire just in time: the only damage was to the alternator and one of the plugs going into it. I unplugged the other plug from the alternator and could drive the truck to my mechanic. Phew, what an adrenaline rush!
Now I'm at my parents' place in Würzburg and will continue to Berlin in a few days.
Posted on Sunday 23 November 2003 - 15:27:27 comment: 0

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