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My lab:
Not only PZ Myers gets email from kooks and nutcases. Apparently, a Rodney Berry (who seems to call himself Elijah paul Moses) from has been looking up email addresses of scientists and sending them some really loony emails. That website, by the way, consists to about 80% of nude couples (Adam and Eve of course, what did you think?). Here's what Rodney had to say (colors and font size are the original from the email, I apologize):

""BJOERN BREMBS ESQ; sir ""i" gathered your name and address from The Scientist magazine, this is the epic day Life over takes death and old age!" "i"" contact many in Germany and around earth, from goverment to independent scientists, we have old age cornered, one of our brothers from Germany working in Switzerland has one of the bacteriocins/toxins isolated which cause our bodie's to age prematurely!" This cure brought us by the Bible code, which is a medical code/key for this days biologists!" After reading these calling letters below, go to HIS website, and on the proof of Healing page, and Links page you will find the verse's in which our MESSIAH/THE GREAT PHYSICIAN prophesy Microbiology!"" Much respect Elijah paul Moses
I'm not quite sure I understand what the heck this dude is trying to tell me. He surely doesn't use any punctuation, which surprisingly consistently gives away the kooks (besides the content that is). His use of quotation marks is also unorthodox, to say the least. Apparently he is under the impression that there's a secret biological code in a bronze-age book, Now that's something utterly unexpected! Let's see what he's talking about (I'll spare you the font this time, I'm sure you'll appreciate that).
Hmm, now that shouting match didn't really reveal anything earth shattering other than the usual "natural disasters must have some divine meaning" which already brought us the thunder god eons ago. What else is there?
"i" make new contacts/call/gather new souls each week for the NOW EPIC day of LIFE over taking the infectious disease called old age and death!"  "it" old age is literally a virus we all contract at birth!"  And the cure for it has now been located due to the WHAT?  Bible code/keys Rev:1:17-18!"  We now due to the Mighty and Great Physician who turns out to be the greatest scientist of our Universe, did just as He declared, HE CAME AND FOUGHT death and old age, and destroyed it, for this days end of old age, and sickness, and death as we now know it!"  The Scientific soul of GOD, give us all Word to now begin again Living centuries instead of decades!"  We are born with the ability to repair, and regenerate, but their is a group of bacteria, unbeknownst to science {{ Yet studied by them }}  that makes toxins/proteins/hormones/bacteriocins within us our entire live's, which slowly age's us!"
Now, if I get this correctly, buried in all these weird quotation marks, lack of punctuation, brackets and slashes, he's trying to tell us that something infects us which is causing aging. He's not all that specific what this might be: "toxins/proteins/hormones/bacteriocins". Now which of those is it? Will there be an answer in the long and garbled email?
One of our brothers in Germany/Switzerland has isolated one of the poison's!"  This is the day of His coming, and leaving the meek scientific remnant/ inheritors for earths laboratory for Gods glory!" Matthew 5:5 and 25:34!"  Sounds strange to most, but those of Destiny/the scientific community!"
Oh, so someone here in Germany and/or Switzerland. May this be a split personality or is this person just moving quickly between the two countries?
"i" am he sent John 13:20, and am told to call all, of ADAM AND EVE UNMIRED!""  go to www.adamandeveseedgatheringministry.comwhich is HIS medical Word research ministry!"  There you will find pictures of our Lord God, and micrographs of who? death/old
age/principality of the air!" Go to the services page, and proof of His healing page, were "i" prove in the bible verse's, that Science/medical science is His very reason for Coming!" And go to the about page for a picture of lucifer/micrograph!""  And again to His christmas and holy word page for more proof in Verse with pictures!"  AGAIN MUCH RESPECT HE WHO HE SENT!""
Ah, so let's go to these webpages and what do we see? A lot of pictures of the guy who walked on water, got one half of his chromosomes from an adulturous deity (poor cheated Josef!) and gets people drunk on water. Interspersed, you can see pictures of bacteria, native Americans, plant micrographs and fantasy pictures with dragons. Oh, and yes, I can't shake the suspicion that the person writing the emails is the same one writing the webpages and this person is indeed in dire need of a miracle - because nothing short of a mircale would salvage the English on these pages, let alone the hilariously funny content. This is much too insane to be a Poe, no healthy person could write such a parody. But wait, there's more in the email. Would you like some hate speech and Islamophobia? Nice how religious people, especially in the US, value the life of some humans more than the life of others:
{{""before "i" speak of the arrogance of time magazine, let me mention the of prohecy last week, now filled. Told all, that they would begin to attack the Wo-man Hero of Fort hood Texas.  They have sence our last speaking, found one witness who say's they seen the black sergeant behind her, take down the Murderer. {{ one black soldier say's they seen this }} On the winfrey show, he the newer hero, would not say he did it!"  Only said they arrived almost at the same time!"  And he was hailed as twice the hero for saving the muslim killers Life, by doing medical service's for him. With Americans laying all around him,{{even his fellow officer, kimberly Munley Esq. Could he not atleast go to the little girl from puerto rico, or the man from Columbia and give medical support, they may be alive right now if he had }}  he went to the muslim killer to save First.  You see this all the time, when there are two hurt or wounded, the rescuers always go to
the muslim, where they can be seen saving first the muslim!"  Yet, the Wo-man who saved the mulitude will soon be forgotten, due to his act of saving the muslim murderer, with Americans laying all around. That is not an American hero, that is an American traitor!"  The news People from cnn, to some at Fox news, none will let this be a Terrorist attack,  for them defending the other muslim in this story, obama!"  The biggest terror attack sence 9-11, but it cannot be called one, due to obama's feelings/reputation. If it were Bush, there would be calls for impeachment.  No "i" am not prejudice, just honest, any who shame themselve's, then are protected by the media/written data/archives, it must be addressed for Historic accuracy.  So as stated prophecy realized!"  The Mighty Wo-man of Valour has had her Valour stolen!" ...Time Magazine attacks God!""}}
Ok, I guess you get the gist of it. Incoherent rambling about someone who quite apparently is seriously ill with some mental disorder. For those gluttons of punishment who can't get enough of insights into twisted minds, see below the fold. I've pasted the entire email in there. If it ends abruptly, it's because it's too long for the database...

The whole thing is even weirder than the website that keeps postponing the end of the world, because they wake up every day and the world is still there, despite all the prophesies poiting to yesterday elated.png They've been updating it from September 21st and now they predict the end of the world will be on December 21st. Well, I'll check back then!

[ Read the rest ... ]
Posted on Sunday 22 November 2009 - 15:29:56 comment: 0

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