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I had never heard of the Overton Window until I read this blog post on how Richard Dawkins had shifted this window to include atheism. Basically, the window defines what is an acceptable viewpoint in public debate:
That’s the notion, borrowed from public-policy debates, of the spectrum of “acceptable opinion” on an issue. At any given time, on any particular question, the public discourse will implicitly deem certain positions to be respectable and worthy of civilized debate, and other positions to be crazy and laughable. The crucial part of this idea is that the window can be shifted by vigorous advocacy of positions on one extreme.
I can see how you can shift the window to include your viewpoint: with good arguments, eloquently presented (as in the recent atheist books Sean mentions). The reverse must be more difficult: how do you get certain opinions to be acknowledged as laughable and crazy? This is difficult even when they indeed are laughable and crazy! We all know these stories that, while virtually everyone knows they're false, stubbornly refuse to die. What kind of 'vigorous advocacy' can shift (or narrow?) the window to exclude opinions that are demonstrably laughable and crazy? Here are 22 examples for laughable and crazy ideas without which the planet sure would be a better place. 22 good reasons to shift the Overton Window, so that people can spend their time and efforts on less laughable and crazy ideas:
  1. Obama's birth certificate is fake
  2. Holocaust never happened
  3. 9/11 masterminded by (insert arbitrary intelligence agency here)
  4. Moon landings fake
  5. Earth is flat
  6. Global warming caused by the sun
  7. CIA killed JFK
  8. Vaccines cause autism
  9. Creationism (includes ID)
  10. Aliens in area 51
  11. Astrology
  12. Divining rods find water
  13. Raping a virgin cures AIDS
  14. Homeopathy
  15. Elvis is alive
  16. UFOs/alien abduction
  17. Extrasensory perception
  18. Talking to the dead
  19. Prayer heals
  20. Illuminati
  21. H1N1 swine flu caused by homosexuality and masturbation
  22. The Impact Factor is non-negotiable, reproducible, and mathematically sound
Posted on Wednesday 19 August 2009 - 14:03:40 comment: 0

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