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My lab:
I'm finally settled back down after the Neuroethology meeting. I started off with ym experiemnts right away, preparing the first batch right after I got back. Annoyingly, this new cross of flies doesn't fly very well. That's bad news if you're using a flight simulator for your experiments. This means I now have to wait for the next flies (mutants, this time) to hatch, which will take about another week or so. In this time I'll be writing on the revision of my paper on habit formation in Drosophila, the data of which I presented on my poster at Neuroethology.
While I was at Neuroethology (which was a blast, BTW, great conference, my favorite), I met with fellow blogger Sandra Kiume of OmniBrain. Went to a great Sushi place and had all-you-can-eat Sushi while we talked neuroscience, blogging, free will and all kinds of other of course always highly relevant stuff
Here's a picture Sandra had taken of us:

Posted on Thursday 02 August 2007 - 18:44:06 comment: 0

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