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My lab:
Jack Gray is the organizer of the symposium and works on locusts and moths. His main research interest is in collision avoidance in flying insects. He described an identified motion sensitive pathway from the eyes to the thorax responsible for avoiding collisions, which is very tightly tuned to detect looming objects. This pathway is capable of detecting several different objects in the visual field and how they move relative to the animal (collision course or not). This is important for understanding how locusts avoid colliding with the many other animals in a swarm.
His other research interest is odor-guided flight in moths and how they react to looming stimuli. Importantly, he is actually the only one in this symposium who is working on closed-loop experiments where the animals actually perceive self-generated motion and not external stimuli! This work is only at a very preliminary stage, however.

Posted on Tuesday 24 July 2007 - 21:22:38 comment: 0

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