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My lab:
The February issue of "Educational Leadership", the journal of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) features a discussion on how we learn to read. The interesting component of this discussion is that the feature article by Judy Willis cites our work on operant conditioning in Aplysia as evidence supporting "Neurochemical neuroimaging analyses show that dopamine release increases in response to pleasurable and positive experiences". This sentence in itself is not entirely wrong (apart from that something like neurochemical neuroimaging doesn't exist as far as I know) and the dopamine reference, as far as we know so far, seems to hold even for Aplysia. Now, while I'm happy that our work was cited with reference to humans, I think it's overstretching the evidence more than a little. In a response to this first article, Sally E. Shaywitz and Bennett A. Shaywitz point out in their reply that apparently the Aplysia citation was not the only one with a similar stretch.
You can follow more of this discussion on the ASCD blog.
Posted on Monday 12 March 2007 - 20:06:33 comment: 0

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