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My lab:

This has been a rather hectic week for me, with comparatively spotty web access (even in 2011, it is still possible to have spotty connectivity in an industrialized country!).

The week started with the annual meeting of German marketing strategists in Hamburg, the OPEN SOURCE 2011. OS11 was a very unusual experience which deserves its own post one day soon. For instance, OS11 put our research on how flies decide whether to fly left or right between the editor-in-chief of the German weekly "Stern", Thomas Osterkorn explaining how he decides which story to put on the cover and hair-stylist/make-up artist Armin Morbach deciding which girl to become "Germany's next Topmodel".

Tuesday is the day of our weekly labmeetings, so while there were, as usual, exciting new reslts presented, this day wasn't all that unusual.

Wednesday, I traveled to Leipzig to give two talks on what flies can tell us about the evolution  of language (i.e., our FoxP research). The first was at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in the group of Wolfgang Enard. The second was at the University of Leipzig in the group of Bertram Gerber. Big long day that didn't end until midnight.

So today I'm here at the Open Kowledge Foundations's annual conference, the OKCon. Next to me sits Cameron Neylon who will give his presentation about an hour and a half (2:30pm) before I give mine (4pm). Hopefully, I'll be able to blog a little from this event.
Posted on Thursday 30 June 2011 - 10:49:32 comment: 0

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