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Controls are important, because they tell you what baseline(s) your manipulations should be measured against. In this case, I didn't do anything to the preparation other than observing its responses to the 30 stimulations. For the first ten trials, it responded with a swim/crawl ratio of 7-3. It increased this ratio to 8-1 (one trial was not responded to) in the next ten trials, only to go down to 3-5 (two no-response trials) in the final ten trials. Together with the data from the first no-shock control, this may mean that there is a tendency to bias the decisions away from swimming and towards crawling in these preps. I'll definitely have to do more of these preps and find a way to graph the data properly.
Tomorrow, however, will be the first control where I stimulate the anterior ganglion, but not contingent to any behavior. Instead, the prep will be stimulated according to the stimulation sequence of one of the preceeding preps (a so-called yoked control).
Posted on Thursday 09 September 2010 - 01:47:35 comment: 0
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