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Now let's see how the US federal research budget compares to the annual budget deficit. For fiscal year 2008, the US budget deficit was US$438 billion. The research budget for FY 2008 was $143.0 billion, of which only $55.4 billion would go to research. All non-defense R&D are roughly $60 billion. In contrast, the FY 2008 defense budget amounts to $481.4 billion. Now let's put that into visual perspective:

This graph was computed assuming $3 million for each of the three earmarked science projects and an approximate $400 billion in yearly intrest payments for the $10 trillion in debt. It shows how utterly ridiculous it is to try to start saving money by cutting down science. Even if you were to cut all non-military R&D spending, it wouldn't really make all that much of a difference for the budget. But it makes a difference in the lives of millions of people in temrs of longevity, health, education, standard of living, etc. So basically, science is an endeavor with comparatively minor costs but a huge benefit for the public. What is the cost benefit ratio for defense spending, I wonder?
Given these considerations, I think it's plainly obvious that the McCain/Palin ticket is clearly anti-science. It's not the earmarks, it's not the specific projects - the only reason the campaign is attacking these projects is because they are scientific projects, which are inherently unintelligible for the feeble minded.
Posted on Monday 27 October 2008 - 15:06:24 comment: 0
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