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My lab:
Jens works for JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments. I know Jens from a brief visit he paid to our lab in preparation for a video publication we will record for JoVe in the near future.

Jove was founded as a scientist-to-scientist portal mainly for scientific methods. There are abstracts and texts as well as aditional informations with every video publication. JoVE is run by MyJoVE Corporation in Cambridge, Ma, USA. As of now JoVE has produced 210 video publications. JoVE has an editorial board which does the peer-review of each video.
The publication process works as follows:
1. JoVE invites an author to publish a video paper
2. Storyboard by JoVE
3. Recording and post-production
4. Peer-review
5. Author review
6. Publication

JoVE is currently cooperating with Springer, Wiley, BioMed Central and Annual Reviews. In these cooperations JoVE is working to become a central life-sciences video library for all cooperation partners.
JoVE is currently in the process of being listed with PubMed.

Jens concluded his talk by presenting a video example of an as yet unpublished JoVE paper about imaging neuronal activity through the animal brain.

Posted on Thursday 14 February 2008 - 12:44:33 comment: 0

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