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My lab:

I'm currently at the 10th advanced summer school of neurochemistry on the "Molecular basis of higher cognitive functions" in Delphi, Greece. As you can see from our program, the school starts with a morning of densely packed student presentations: three-minute, one-slide presentations by 45 students without discussion between presentations. The perfect ADHD session for the patients with a three-minute attention span

So far, the presentations are impressive. It's a diverse set of students from all continents: North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia. Fantastic! The topics range from cellular and molecular neuroscience to behavior and cognition both in vertebrate and invertebrate species. So all levels from genes to behavior are represented.

My presentation will be later in the afternoon and I think I need to take out a few slides to slim it down and allow for more room for explanations.

I'll try to blog from the longer presentations as time permits. Unfortunatly I have to leave tomorrow morning already, so my coverage of this fantastic summer school will have to be very limited indeed. frown.png
Posted on Thursday 25 August 2011 - 09:43:40 comment: 0

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