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My lab:
I just received an email from Colin from alerting me to their fine service. They feature videos of scientific lectures from all disciplines. The website is still brand new and not quite finished, yet, but so far, it looks very promising. From their site:
The ‘Pulse-Project’ offers a wide range of freely accessible audio and video lectures for both general and specialised audiences, and delivered by eminent academics. It hopes to reflect and inform debates amongst academics, students, and the wider public alike, and to thereby engage with the formative scientific questions of our time.

Their videos can be embedded, which is very nice, so here comes the lecture of the successor to Richard Dawkins as the Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Mathematics, Marcus du Sautoy on symmetry:

Posted on Wednesday 07 January 2009 - 17:58:02 comment: 0

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